First Fashion Folio Masterclass

Sale price Price $2,997.00 Regular price Unit price  per 




Your mission is to explore your creativity and develop a body of portfolio-ready work that showcases your unique style and point of view in 9 weeks or less!

Course Title: First Fashion Folio Masterclass

Course Level: Beginner to Intermediate

This course is for fashion creatives who want to develop a stand-out first portfolio as part of their college application or professional development.

Cost Per Student: $2,997

Duration: 8—9 weeks

Class Meetings Per Week: 1

Dates:  Email for details

Aftercare Support: Email support for 1 month following the class.


Course Content:

1: What Makes a Stand-Out Fashion Folio?

Start outside the box and make your portfolio relevant, unique, focused, and cohesive.

2: Research & Theme Development

Identify and explore your critical concept so you can outline the content that best showcases you and your point of view.

3: Hands-On

You will be presented with a number of stimulating challenges to develop non-digital work that will demonstrate your creativity and process. This is the key ingredient and building block for an outstanding portfolio.

4: Final Layout

Explore how to skillfully edit, curate, and format your work.

5: Presentation

Deliver your work with accuracy and professionalism.


BONUS: Nail Your Signature Style—discover how to differentiate yourself.

BONUS: Sustainability Report—how to design responsibly.

BONUS: Your Strategy—learn top tools for focus, mindset, organization, and timing.




Q: How many students are there per class?

A: 1-10 students for Masterclasses; 2-20 students for all other classes.


Q: How many times do we meet per week?

A: There is one mandatory weekly review meeting for all classes.


Q: How long is each meeting?

A: All meetings are 60-90 minutes long.


Q: Where do we meet?

A: We meet in a private Zoom meeting room.


Q: What time are the meetings?

A: The class times will be tailored to suit the participants. In the week before the class begins, all participants will be asked to submit three preferred time slots, and we will make every effort to accommodate everyone.


Q: How are the lessons and demonstrations delivered?

A: Some content will be delivered via short, pre-recorded video tutorials accompanied by written instructions. Some content will be provided via live demonstration and discussion.


Q: What is the estimated time commitment in addition to the weekly meetings?

A: 3—10 hours a week.


Q: For Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator classes, is the software included in the price of the course?

A: No, you will buy a subscription to the software directly from Adobe. It costs around $19.99 to $59.99 per month depending on the options you choose. Adobe offers first-time customers a free trial period.


Q: Do you offer any aftercare support?

A: Yes, all classes include one month of aftercare support via email.


Q: Who is Design Your Line Fashion Lab?

A: Design Your Line Fashion Lab is owned and operated by Hunter Publishing, a California corporation serving the fashion education community since 2007.


Q: Who will be the instructor?

A: The owner of Hunter Publishing Corporation, Victoria Hunter, creates and teaches the classes. She is an award-winning instructor who has taught design, Photoshop, and Illustrator skills to over 3,500 Associate of Arts students and private clients.


Q: What name will appear on my billing statement?

A: Hunter Publishing Corporation is the name that will appear on your billing statement.


Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Liv Sandford
Most amazing teacher!

I was able to learn so much from Victoria in the 3 classes I took. She is so understanding and creative its inspiring! I was able to really dig deeper into my signature style and create a solid process of how I do my work. I also got very comfortable in photoshop and illustrator in such a short time. I feel so much more confident in my work after taking these classes. 100% recommend.